Velocity composition law in relativity

Velocity is a vector which has a direction and a magnitude. We know that a resultant vector of two or more vectors can be determined by the vector triangle law. Say for example, you are at rest in a station platform. Your friend (say, his name is John) is in the train moving away from you with a speed . Now, suppose John has a ball and he throws the ball in the direction of the motion of the train. The ball has a speed relative to John. Now what is the speed of the ball in your frame (i.e. with what speed is the ball moving away from you?)? All you need to do is to add and (vector triangle law) and the result is the answer to the above question. But suppose John has a light source instead of a ball. When the light source emits light in the direction of motion of the train, John measures the speed of light beam to be about (i.e. the magnitude of is now ). If the train is moving at the same speed relative to you then how would you calculate the speed of that light beam? Can you just add and ? Well, in that case, you will find that the light beam is moving faster than the speed of light which is allowed (we know that nothing even the light itself can’t move faster than the speed c where c has a value ). What is the answer then? The answer is c i.e. . It means that you and John both will measure the same speed of light (We know that the speed of light in vacuum is independent of observer’ motion. Every observer will measure the same speed of light). So, you can see that the vector triangle law does not help us when we are dealing with velocities comparable to the speed of light. Can’t we define a way to handle all the cases. Yes we can. We use Lorentz transformation law to define it. Consider the first example. John is moving with speed relative to you and the ball has a speed relative to John. John's world line is  and your world line is . Velocity of the ball in John's frame is  whereas in your frame the velocity of the ball is . John is moving with velocity  relative to you. So, from Lorentz Transformation, we get,



Note that here I have used the special measurement system where the speed of light is measured in meter and has a value exactly 1 (if you are wondering how it is possible, kindly go through our article "can the speed of light be exactly 1?"). You can see that the value of  is never greater than 1 ( the maximum speed is 1). If the both the velocities  and  are very small then,

which we experience in our daily life.


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